We Heart Pets
In the Fall of 2021, we installed a number of Pet Waste Stations in our neighborhoods. We hope that ready access to doggy bags and a trash can will help neighborhood dog owners keep the sidewalks and lawns clean. If it works out, we plan to install more. Please donate if you want to see more improvements like this to our West Manchester neighborhoods.
Our volunteers also pick up the trash and replenish the doggy bags regularly. Please consider volunteering to help out with this task – email us at info@weheartwest.org.
There are currently five full pet stations (bags + trash can) and two bag-only stations – see the purple dog faces on the map below. The addresses are:
- Pet Stations:
- 27 Bremer Street
- 90 Kelley Street
- 424 Rimmon Street
- 323 Dubuque Street
- Ste. Marie Cathedral
- Parkside Community Garden (at Derby Hill Park)
- Two bags-only stations can be found in the alleyway behind Ste. Marie.
More Pet Resources
Check out our Pet Resources page for information about shelters, reporting missing or found pets, and more…